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IMPORTANT REMINDER RE: Judge Gorman's Zoom Hearing Procedures

Monday, November 28, 2022

Integration of Zoom for Government® as an option for remote participation in Judge Gorman’s regularly-scheduled Tuesday motion calls and other special settings has largely been a success. As the Court’s use of Zoom is extended to other settings in the coming year, it is imperative that participants do their part to maintain a level of decorum and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the dignity of the Court. Thus far, participants have generally conducted themselves appropriately, but a reminder about some specific conduct is warranted.

Above all, participants must remember that hearings with a Zoom component are still court proceedings and will be conducted as such. Practitioners and their clients are expected to be aware of that and conduct themselves accordingly whether they are appearing in person or remotely by video. For practitioners, that includes being attentive to their professional attire—all attorneys should be dressed as if they were physically present, standing before the Court. Care must also be taken to avoid interruptions—attorneys should not be available for office staff, conference calls, or other scheduled matters while participating in hearings before this Court. Similarly, practitioners and their clients alike need to be aware of their own video feeds. Constant movement can be as distracting as background noise. All participants should plan ahead and connect to the conference from a quiet location with ample time to get situated and make any technical adjustments that may be necessary before the hearings begin. Participants should also mute their microphones while waiting for their case to be heard.

Hearing participants are also reminded to look at the hearing notice and the orders entered in their specific cases to confirm their options for attendance; in some instances, physical attendance in court may be required. For those not required to appear—in person or otherwise—they may have the option of listening by telephone. Telephone participation is, however, strictly limited to observation; actual participation via telephone is prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Court.

These and other rules and procedures are set forth in detail in Judge Gorman’s Zoom Video Hearing Guide for Participants, which is available on the Court’s website and referenced in the notices issued in connection with the hearings. Practitioners are expected to familiarize themselves and their clients with all applicable rules and procedures ahead of their scheduled hearings.