How do I report an address change to the court?
How do I get admitted to practice in the bankruptcy court or apply to appear in a case pro hac vice?
How does an attorney change his/her email address in the court’s electronic case filing system?
How do I add multiple email addresses in the court’s electronic case filing system?
Why can’t I see the docket events in the court’s electronic case filing system?
How do I select multiple docket events in the court’s electronic case filing system?
What should we do when an attorney leaves the firm?
Is there a limit to the size of the document being filed in CM/ECF?
What can I do if I have forgotten my CM/ECF password?
How do I format the matrix (the list of names and addresses of my creditors)?
How do I report an address change to the court?
An attorney must update address information through PACER under Manage My Account > Maintenance > Update Address Information. Select which courts should receive notice of the address change before submitting the update.
How do I get admitted to practice in the bankruptcy court or apply to appear in a case pro hac vice?
To get admitted to practice in the bankruptcy court please visit the United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois website at:
How does an attorney change his/her email address in the court’s electronic case filing system?
Your primary email address must be changed through PACER under Manage My Account > Maintenance > Update E-File Email Noticing and Frequency. Select which courts should receive notice of the e-mail changes.
How do I add multiple email addresses in the court’s electronic case filing system?
The option to add secondary email addresses in the court’s electronic case filing system is available under the Utilities menu. Go to Utilities > Maintain Your ECF Account and click the ‘Email information’ button. Enter any secondary email addresses in the ‘Secondary email address’ box. If you are entering more than one secondary email address, separate the addresses by hitting the enter key after each address (do not separate the addresses with colons or semi-colons). Under ‘Send the notices specified below’ make sure both boxes are checked to send to primary and secondary addresses. Click Return to Account screen > Submit.
Why can’t I see the docket events in the court’s electronic case filing system?
If you can’t see docket events, you may be logged in as a PACER user that does not have filing permissions OR your request for filing permissions has not been approved. You may request filing access or check the status of your request through PACER.
How do I select multiple docket events in the court’s electronic case filing system?
When filing a multi-part motion, it is important to select an event for each type of relief requested in the motion. By holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key, the ECF system will allow the filer to select multiple reliefs. For example, if a multi-part Motion for Relief and Abandonment is filed, the filer should select the first part of the motion ‘Relief from Stay (fee)’ from the available events, and then hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key while clicking on the second part of the motion ‘Abandon (no fee)’. Both selected events will appear in the ‘Selected Events' box on the screen.
How do I get a copy of all or part of the record of a court proceeding or get a written transcript of it?
A record of a court proceeding is available in the following formats:
Audio files for all matters heard by Judge Mary P. Gorman and selected matters heard by Judge Thomas L. Perkins are uploaded to the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system and are available through:
• CD
• Transcript
To order an audio CD of digitally recorded court proceedings, please call the Clerk’s Office:
• Springfield – (217) 492-4551
• Peoria – (309) 671-7035
• Urbana – (217) 974-7330
To order a transcript of a court proceeding, click here for a list of transcription services.
The Meeting of Creditors is recorded by the Trustee. The court does not keep or provide a copy of the recording. To request a copy of the recording, please contact the Office of the United States Trustee at (309) 671-7854.
What should we do when an attorney leaves the firm?
When an attorney leaves a firm, both the attorney and the firm need to consider the implications to the CM/ECF noticing system. If cases will move with the attorney, all the attorney needs to do is change his/her e‐mail notification setup and contact information in their PACER account through Manage My Account. Secondary email addresses can be updated within CM/ECF. If cases will remain with the firm, the firm will need to ensure that the Court docket accurately reflects the proper attorney of record and that the new attorney of record is properly set up to receive e‐mail notification. Law firms may also wish to consider the best method of handling e‐mail addressed to the firm for the departed attorney. Removing the attorney from the firm's e‐mail system with no further action may result in notifications being missed. Firms may wish to consider whether their own e‐mail systems should forward such e‐mails to the attorney at his/her new address, or to another attorney within the firm.
Is there a limit to the size of the document being filed in CM/ECF?
Yes. CM/ECF will not accept documents over 10 megabytes in size.
What can I do if I have forgotten my CM/ECF password?
For PACER login and password information, go to If you have not linked your PACER and CM/ECF accounts, refer to our instructions for linking accounts.
How do I format the matrix (the list of names and addresses of my creditors)?
FONT: Do not use script-style fonts.
COLUMNS: Use one single column per page.
MARGINS: Use one-inch margins on the top, bottom, left and right.
ADDRESS LINES: Each name/address block must consist of no more than five total lines and each must be no more than 40 characters in length.
CAPITALIZATION: Name/Address blocks should be capitalized appropriately using upper and lower case. Do not use all caps.
CITY/STATE ADDRESS LINE: Format as follows:
City (comma, space) two-letter U.S. Post Office state abbreviation (space) five-digit zip code.
City, State and Zip Code must be on the same line.
• Spell out the state,
• Use periods between state abbreviation letters (example: N.C.),
• Use abbreviations for states other than U.S. Post Office accepted two-letter abbreviations,
• Use nine-digit zip code.
An example of a properly formatted entry in a creditor matrix would be:
Acme Credit Corp.
1234 W. 9th St.
Somewhere, IL 12345
DO NOT include the following on the matrix:
• Debtor,
• U.S. Trustee,
• Joint Debtor,
• Debtor(s) Attorney.
For additional information see the following:
Administrative Procedures for the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System