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Chief Judge Henderson's Telephone Conference/Hearing Protocol

Each party desiring to be heard MUST CALL Cisco Webex at least 5 minutes prior to the commencement of court. Participants will need the following information provided in the clerk’s hearing notice in order to participate by telephone:


Conference calls will be amplified throughout the entire courtroom. During the conference call and while court is in session, please maintain proper telephone etiquette. Participant cooperation is appreciated and will serve to expedite the hearing process.

• Be on time for the hearing at least 5 minutes prior to commencement of court.

• The Bankruptcy Court will not initiate the telephone conference. Participants MUST CALL Cisco Webex.

• If participant(s) fail to call in, the hearing will go forward as scheduled.

• The toll free call in number and access code is provided in the clerk’s hearing notice.

DO NOT announce your presence when you call into the conference except for when requested to do so by the Cisco Webex prompt. Multiple hearings may be scheduled at the same time and a hearing may be in process. Wait for your hearing to be called before speaking. Treat the phone conference as if you are sitting in the courtroom waiting for your case to be called.

DO NOT place the call on hold during the call, this can create background music.

• Do not conduct work such as paper shuffling or keyboard typing during the phone conference. Maintain telephone silence while waiting and refrain from making unnecessary noise.

• Mute your telephone as applicable. Press *6 to mute your line. When you are ready to speak press *6 to un-mute your line.

• Do not address the court until called upon.

• Follow conference coordinator instructions as provided.

• Limit the use of mobile phones. If at all possible, call in from a land line for your telephone conference. Mobile phone service drops and/or static may affect the conference. The Courtroom Deputy and the Judge have no control over the quality when any participant decides to use their mobile phone.

• If there is interference from your phone line, such as background noise or music, you will be dropped from the conference.