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Friday, August 14, 2020

The District Court has entered its Sixth Amended General Order 20-01 regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, limiting access to the courthouses of the Central District of Illinois through December 31, 2020. This Court’s General Order Regarding COVID-19 Public Emergency and Continued Bankruptcy Court Operations, entered July 17, 2020, remains in full force and effect and will remain in effect until at least December 31, 2020. This Court’s General Order is available on the Bankruptcy Court website under Local Rules, Procedures and Standing Orders or by clicking here.

The Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office will remain closed to the public until further notice. The Clerk’s Office is accessible to the public through telephone, mail, and the drop boxes located in the lobbies of the courthouses. The Clerk’s Office can be reached at 309-671-7035 (Peoria), 217-492-4551 (Springfield), and 217-974-7330 (Urbana). CM/ECF is available for electronic filing. If you need to obtain copies of documents from a case file, the PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) system is available days, nights, and weekends. Visit the PACER website ( for information on how to register for PACER and the fees for downloading court documents.