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New Version of Chapter 13 Model Plan Form - Springfield Division Now Available

Thursday, March 5, 2015

An updated version of the Chapter 13 Model Plan Form for use in the Springfield Division is now available. The most important change in the new form is the addition in many of the plan sections of boxes to check “None.” When a “None” box  is checked, the language for the section collapses and will not be included in the plan. Use of the “None” boxes should reduce the size of many plans and make plans easier to understand by eliminating provisions which are unnecessary in a particular case. If a “None” box is checked by mistake, a second click on the “None” box will restore the missing language.

Practitioners should begin using the new form immediately and should make an effort to check the “None” boxes in all appropriate places. Use of the new form will be mandatory effective May 4, 2015.

Click here for the updated Chapter 13 Model Plan Form.

Please call or email Ron Hayward (217-492-5023, or Vicente Valtierra (217-492-4256, for technical assistance.